Tuesday 24 June 2014

A great review for Mr Tripp

Dear Hettie,
Just wanted to let you know I laughed out loud so many times over this - reading passages out to my husband to explain my continuous shrieking and giggling.  It is ideal holiday reading. 

We bought this story and "A shilling on the bar" three weeks ago at Port Douglas market after first seeing you at the Marina a few days beforehand.
. If the book was sent to one of our great Aussie directors to choose just the right cast, it would make a VERY funny film. This is worth a real try.

I guess the boat in the  picture on your card is from where you drew many of the hilarious happenings and your boating experiences and expertise certainly show.
My Dad always told me"there are two good days in a boat owners life  -  the day he buys it and the day he sells it"!  How very true.
Great fun.  Lovely meeting you.
Sue Rolls.


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