Friday 24 September 2010



Blog: Featured Contributor: Kerry Ashwin

from Pool team, 20.09.10

Kerry Ashwin has a unique problem - an enlarged funny bone that's been known to aggravate her writing style! She's contributed text, photos, videos and audio works to Pool and they're all bursting with her trademark sense of humour and imagination. We asked Kerry to tell us a bit more about what makes her tick.

What’s your day job?

I am what is known as a unit assistant. But that really means I work in the sterilisation unit of a hospital, and that means I clean and sterilise surgical instruments for the operating theatre.

You’ve contributed an incredibly diverse range of work on Pool. Do you have a favourite medium? Or do you like the variety of working in different formats?

All and any formats, but if I had to choose (under pain of pulling out my fingernails with pliers or eating mashed swedes) I would say making podcasts is a blast. Now I'm just saving up for a fab microphone so I can go to the next level. (Cue 2001: A Space Odyssey music!) But writing comes an equal first, cause that's what I call my real job - the one I do for love. But I've just purchased a video camera and hope to video my stories and monologues, so that could easily become my favourite. So many choices, so little time.

How did you find out about Pool?

It's so long ago I can't really remember. But I think I found it via the ABC Radio National site. One of my better choices I must say.

What do you like and what don’t you like about Pool?

I'm really a fan of the pictures. As a writer I find the diverse range of jpgs really motivational for short stories. I find just dipping into people's portfolios is good, and I particularly like the comment snippets. There are just enough to prick my interest. What I'm not keen on is trying to catch up with my favourites. I seem to flick and click all over the place before I actually get where I want to go.

What should Pool do that it is not doing at the moment?

Can't think of a thing really. I think the editorial board, the tags, the groups, the updates, and all those things are terrific. Perhaps just on our individual sites we could have our favourites or bookmark where we go.

Thanks Kerry! We look forward to seeing the results from your new video camera (and the fab microphone).

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