Sunday, 28 November 2010

Robert Benchly soc. judges...

just click on the title to take you to the blog.
I thought I was done for but it seems they are just a little behind, something I wish I had!

Monday, November 15, 2010
Judging Begins in 2010 Benchley Humor Competition
The entries in the 2010 Robert Benchley Society Humor Award Competition are available for viewing on our website at The preliminary judges will be narrowing it down to the top ten by the end of this month and the final announcement of the winner will follow shortly thereafter.

I apologize to the entrants who have been awaiting our action. Please understand that we are a small group of volunteers that run this and, unfortunately key volunteers in this process have experienced serious illness, job loss, and other disruptions over the past months that have severely limited our ability to carry on as promptly as in past years. The process is now "back on track" and we all look forward to finding out who this year's winner's are.

-David Trumbull
for those of you wondering I am number #%$@ ( take a dozen and then make it a bakers dozen then add the two people who will eat it) of a field of 23, but as it is anonymous then forget I told you.

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